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IRP- Individual Research Project- (Digital) Workbook

In this resource file: A workbook to guide your students through their IRP.

Pdf copy AND Digital Workbook (Ideal if you are using Google Classroom)


-description of the IRP
-Assessment criteria
-Guidance on: step1 to 6 (choosing a topic, collecting information, organising ideas, presentation and ideas, answering questions, revising) with: spaces for students to record their finding, progress sessions record forms, model plan, model presentation with audio file, model questions linked to the presentation, model mind map for revision)


The Digital Workbook will enable you to share this workbook with your students on google classroom, they will be able to edit some of the boxes but won’t be able to edit any of the guidance, you will be able to check their progress at any time online. ==> guidance on how to do that is included if you are new at it


Total number of pages is: 45 ( +some pages which are to be photocopied/ copied and pasted by the students as he/she requires)

IRP- Individual Research Project- (Digital) Workbook

    • This product is for a single user only and cannot be shared with colleagues
  • As soon as an online payment is received, a confirmation email is sent to you with a download link. (The link also appears on the Thank You page.)


    All you need to do then is click on the link to download your product!